Celebrate The Promise Kept

I watched a GodTube video that was quite provoking.  The video was about a man who received magazines in his mailbox from various companies advertising their “specials” for the Christmas season.  There was a problem though:  none of these magazines mentioned the title “Christmas”.  They all quoted “Holiday” specials.  Some would like to impose that they are taking into consideration all the holidays celebrated during the month of December but if we are truly honest we’ll admit that Christmas is the biggest and most celebrated holiday for centuries worldwide.  However, because we live in the era of “political correctness” we have all subtly fallen for this simply rephrasing it as  “holiday”.

Every year I find myself-examining my motives for doing any and everything around this time of year.  Maybe it’s because I want to communicate truth to my children so they too don’t get caught up in emotional spending (because “Sarah gave me a gift so I should give her one too”)  like so many of us do.  Maybe, it’s because more and more I am convinced that my heavenly Father wants me to see life from His perspective.  To maintain truth.  While we have come accustomed to exchanging “tangible” gifts on December 25 the best gifts are not purchased from a store or a sale but they are given of ourselves.

God desired and purposed from the beginning (whenever that was) that He would have  relationship with mankind unlike the one He had with any other of his creations.  When mankind sinned by disobeying Him there was a breach in that relationship but God promised to restore it.  The only way that could happen was by giving us Himself in the form of Jesus His Son.

    The scriptures tell us in Matthew 1:22:

So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet saying:  Behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Other passages state prophecies that were spoken or written in ages past Matthew 2:5, 2:15, 2:17, 2:23.

That it Might be Fulfilled

Most of us know the term Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible.  Yet rather than be like Scrooge and put our noses in the air to the whole idea of having a party or get-together with friends and family can we agree that the base idea of Christmas is to celebrate the fact that God gave His best to mankind for all to believe on Him and have everlasting life.  Jesus and all that He reflects is the reason we celebrate all year long.

I truly believe God does not want us to “bah hum bug” but to take every opportunity to celebrate – January 1st through December 31st – so don’t apologize for saying “Merry Christmas”. Don’t apologize for celebrating.  Keep your motives pure and just do it!


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