How Great Is Our God

It’s February and it is mighty cold! Even though I was born in a climate with damp, cool and hand freezing weather, I still have managed not to become totally comfortable with it. And yet, as I look out at the beautiful layer of fluffy white stuff that we call snow, I cannot help but wonder why our heavenly Father created it. He could have just allowed the temperature to drop — and end it there. Yet, in Canada and many other parts of the world we have the added bonus of this unique expression of God’s handy work.

We play with it, make snowmen with it and we take refuge in the snow forts we build with it. And as if that wasn’t enough, God takes the peculiar flakes of snow and decorates the landscape with its shimmering beauty. I am sure that like myself, many of you have wondered why we have certain types of weather — perhaps with disdain. Today, however, take a few minutes to look and gaze upon the stillness and the beauty of God’s handywork that graces His amazing gift of creation.

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