What’s in your cup?

It is amazing how many people want to give you advice on how YOU should dress, how you should DO whatever you are doing and yet when you look in on their lives, they are – to be blunt – quite shallow.

I’m not being critical, just observant.

It is fun to observe people. It’s fascinating to just simply watch them. Try sitting for a few minutes in the mall, or at the airport while you wait for someone, and just sit and watch.

I find myself asking questions (in my mind of course); I wonder what made them wear that today? I wonder if they are really happy to meet this person or did someone make them come? Did they have breakfast today?

Looks like they had an argument – looking very sad. Why are they shouting at their child like that?

When you watch people you wonder what is that makes them “tick”. What is in them that makes them so pleasant to their customers? Ultimately, if you have nothing inside of you, you have nothing to offer.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:41-42, “if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.

A cup of water is one of the most refreshing things you can offer to someone on a hot, muggy day. It can be the one thing that saves someone from fainting. It brings healing. If you give someone an empty cup, are you giving them anything? Of course not. And yet on a daily basis we can easily come in contact with people and do just this – offer them empty compliments, faceless expressions.

I don’t want to be known as such a person. I want to have something to offer people, whether it be a kind word, a helping hand, a tissue for their tears or candy to relieve them from failing a ‘good breath’ test. Oops.

My point is, let’s not be empty vessels with nothing to offer but an appearance.

Fill your cup with something. Fill your mind with truth, your heart with love and your spirit with all that God has to offer in His Word.

When you come in contact with people you’ll have something to give them – not a piece of your mind, but a piece of your heart!

Moving forward….

P. Russell

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