You Are God - Patricia Russell

Lord I trust you…Again

Fourteen years ago we recorded a song that my brother wrote titled “Lord I Trust You”.  The chorus says:

Lord I trust You, though I can’t see my way

I trust You when there’s no light of day.

Lord I trust you when only You know where I’m goin’

I will always trust You.

Honestly,  the only way that I’ve been able to get out of bed, swing my feet over and grab ahold of each day is having the confidence that my trust in God will not ever fail me.  We have all had relationships, whether it be at the workplace, school, leaders or family members who have disappointed us in one way or another.

Can I tell you something?  Anyone who is flesh and blood will ultimately fail you.  

As I get older I am realizing that although this happens, there are lessons to learn from every flawed relationship.  Some relationships are for a season.  All relationships are for a reason.  It’s up to us to understand each difference.  However, don’t close yourself off from connecting with people.  Relationships are what help us to grow and come into the person we were born to be.  

I trust God.  Why?  He has proven Himself to be consistent.  

So, once again, we have another physical challenge.  One I did not anticipate.  I have not written about it for a number of reasons but I have come to the conclusion that it is part of my story.  It is part of what I will speak about and motivate others to fight through.  It is part of what makes up Pat Russell.  The ugly head of cancer has once again shown up and while we are past the anger stage and have been walking through treatment the big day of removing part of my body that holds for me many memories is about to be faced.  

I would be lying to say I’m looking forward to this.  I would be lying if I told you I haven’t cried…again.  I would be lying if I haven’t felt like I did something wrong…because I have indeed felt all this and more.  

I would also be lying if I didn’t tell you that I am convinced that God is allowing me to walk through this for a bigger purpose.  

People say “be strong”….yeah sure I will.  If that’s what YOU want me to be FOR you.  These are words we love to tell people but we should stop and think who exactly are we asking them to be strong for?  

I think about a lovely, gorgeous young woman who is still grieving the loss of her daughter who died while doing what she loved the most, playing soccer.  People have told her to “be strong”.  Be strong, but for what and who.  I would rather hear – you will become stronger from this.  

Yes, that I can accept.  That is true.

So suffice it to say, right now I don’t know how I’ll feel Friday night, nor Saturday for that matter.  I know for sure that I’ve resolved to rest in the Lord’s hands and I’ll trust Him again.


This blog was written by Patricia Russell on June 21, 2017.

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