The Last Days

From the time I was a young child I had heard that we were in the “last days” and that one day this earth that we know will change.  God would send His Son back to planet earth and He will turn this world upside down – again.  Guess what?  We are still in the last days and Jesus is coming back!  So what does “the last days” really mean?

In evangelical circles we can say a lot of things that the average person has no clue about  And although we try and try to explain because we’ve become so used to speaking “churchenese” as the language has been tagged we have to learn to speak simply and clearly so that the average person can understand.

Simply put, we ARE in the last days.  Technology advances at a pace as never before.  You know this!  One of the largest tech companies has just announced yet another update to one of its computer platforms.  The world has been sitting on edge waiting for this grand announcement that people were encouraged to wait to make their long desired purchase until they heard what the announcement would be.  Here in Ontario our insurance premiums are about to change againand not for the better.  My son returned to middle school and the start time has changed; he’ll start 30 minutes earlier than last year.   President Obama has declared the 8 year combat war in Iraq will cease in 2011.  And yet another hurricane is making waves (no pun intended).  Another technology update, another change in the educational system, another major political decision, another weather change…and I can go on and on.  Suffice it to say that things are changing rapidly and we are all hearing about it faster because of our access to technology.  There was a time when there was one shooting a week in our city; recently there were 8 -in one week reportedin the news.  Situations like these and others are spoken about in Scripture and we are told to “look up” for our redemption draws nigh.  We are told to not become despondent or weary in doing well because sometime really soon these hard times change for the better.

There are some of you who have just been presented divorce papers, you’ve just had a loved one die, your close friend has had a terrible accident, or someone else you know.  It’s hard.  It’s painful.  You’re weary.  Don’t give up and don’t give in.  You can make it.  You will make it.  Call on God.  I am committed to the believe that we can yet trust and believe Him when He says “look up…”  The best is yet to come!


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