The Mindset of a Winner

Determination must be the ultimate key to winning!  You have to train exercise, eat a proper diet and train for the run, with the intentional goal of wining the race!  In order to win a race you have to purpose to keep the finish line in your view.

Don’t look to the left or to the right but straight ahead.  If you have ever watched the Olympics or a track and field competition it is interesting to watch the athlete who is favoured to win.  When running the 200 meter, sometimes the athlete will gently turn their head to the left or right to see how close their competition is to them.  This can play havoc on your psyche if you are not where you want to be in the race.  The best thing to do is to look straight ahead.  Checking your competition can cost you fractions of a second that you cannot make up without exerting more pressure on yourself.  Your best decision is to run and keep on running.

From the beginning of time, as we know it, God’s mindset was that of a winner and he put that same thought process in us.  When we read about Adam and Eve and how they disobeyed God’s commandment to not eat only one tree, our hearts sink and we think – it’s over.  Perfection is no more.  They have made a mess what’s going to happen now.  How is God going to fix this.  Maybe there have been situations in your own life where you feel “it’s over” I’ll never make it out of this.  God is never left in a pickle!   As a matter of fact he knows everything before it happens.  There is a word for that He’s omniscient – all knowing.  You can rest assured he’s never stuck.  But as a runner (or even a walker) you have to set out with a mindset:  I will run this distance, walk this distance and I will not quit until I have completed it.  Quitting is not an option.   So let’s take a reality check.  There are voices in my head telling me things.  Yes this is true.

What we do with those voices will affect our commitment to keep running or walking or quit. So what do you do when you hear conflicting statements running around your head?  Try doing this:   verbalize your commitment to keep on going regardless of the voices, the weather, the interruptions or how you feel.  You will make it – you must because winners never quit – and quitters never win!!


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