It Will Surprise You What The Lord Has Done!

This past weekend, I had the awesome pleasure of ministering to an audience of vibrant women.  They had come from the Windsor-Essex area for a refreshing day of encouragement.  The one-day conference was held at FGT Church in Leamington and I’m telling you these are a great group of people.  They invited me to be a blessing and in turn they were a blessing to me.  Hospitality is a character that Paul exhorts us to demonstrate and these ladies demonstrated this.  From the worship to the Word you could sense an atmosphere of anticipation and God was faithful.

I’d like to share with you a few nuggets that I shared with them because it continues to resound in my heart.

There will be times when we are faced with fear.  We need to prepare for these times so that we are not taken by surprise.  We can use the promises that God has outlined in his word to encourage us in times of desperation and fear..  However we cannot recall what we do not meditate on.  So I encourage you take time out of your busy schedule to read and meditate on a portion of scripture.  Remember what you put in will eventually be reflected out.  If we eat junk food 24/7 our bodies will reflect the nutrients (or lack thereof) in that food.  Through our skin, our emotions and our attitude we will see the result of an unhealthy diet.  However, when we feed upon the promises and truths given in scripture the result will be optimism, joy and a hopeful outlook to life.

Take some time to count your blessings as the songwriter said “it will surprise you what the Lord has done”.

I will share some more over the next little while.  Take a moment and journal on the blessings God has poured into your life over the last 48 hours.  It will surprise you what the Lord has done.


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